Conflict Engagement Open Coaching Calls

Repressive conflict patterns in the dominant culture and low capacity for integrative conflict responses mean that we are likely to experience intense, often escalating conflict at many scales; interpersonal, organizational, and systemic. Given this context, I have offered calls to support people who want coaching from and co-thinking with me about how we respond to conflicts. All calls have been open to anyone who resonates with my approach as expressed in the invitations when they’re issued.

Sign up for my email list to receive announcements when the next calls are scheduled.

“I am beyond excited that Mariam is offering these coaching calls, and I hope hundreds of people
come to them. Conflict avoidance, anywhere that it happens, sustains the status quo. Mariam’s
approach is practical, specific, and visionary all at once.”

- Miki Kashtan: friend, mentor, and colleague