
All of my offerings are oriented toward my vision and not my career.

Conflict Engagement: My work with conflict aims to approach the conflict(s) through assessment, dialogue, and concrete plans. I aim to create a container where trust can be repaired when needed, and any impacts or feedback revealed by the conflict can be tracked and integrated through action.

Support for Community-led Restorative Processes: Communities that aim to attend to harm without punishment or involving the criminal legal system often lack resources, agreements, and systems prior to the acute situation. I offer to accompany communities holding these processes and to intervene with feedback and support where needed. Part of this is lifting up the skills and strengths already within the community, and seeing where they might choose to increase capacity or make changes.

Feedback Coaching and Support: When we have feedback to give, it can be hard to know which parts are for the benefit of the other person or people, and which parts we want to say to meet our own needs (such as closure, to be heard, etc). I provide support to people wanting to give feedback to do so effectively and self-responsibly. When we have received feedback in a way that is challenging or unclear, it can be hard to tell which parts, if any, make sense for us to pay attention to. I provide feedback discernment support to help you decide which parts are within your realm of responsibility so you can choose whether and how you want to integrate the feedback. If you have a more unique or complex support request, contact me to see if my skills are a match for your needs.

Support for Individuals and Groups: Sometimes people have more specific or complex support requests. Maybe your group wants to tackle a specific issue like looking at how you deal with conflict or feedback, before something becomes an acute problem. Or maybe you want some support before you facilitate a tough conversation. I am interested in talking about what the specific support need is and seeing if my skills and capacity are a match.


Reclaiming Our Conflict Culture: a workshop for activists to increase awareness and intention about how we relate to conflict.

Convergent Facilitation: an adaptable decision-making process that supports organizations, communities, and even former enemies to make decisions that all parties can whole-heartedly embrace.

Specific workshops and conversations: I can talk with you if there is a more specific workshop you are interested in holding that includes my skill set. I am also open to facilitating conversations about challenging topics within a community or organization.